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Terms and Conditions

  • Minimum order for carriage paid £75 (excluding VAT) or £5 delivery as standard.

  • Delivery deemed complete and in good order unless missing /damaged items advised and confirmed in writing/fax within 48 hours of receipt.

  • Returns not accepted without prior written authorisation. Supply of goods for your order is acceptance of these terms.

  • All billing paperwork is included with order. It is a condition of sale that all goods remain the property of Ultra Glow Cosmetics Ltd until paid for in full.

  • Accounts strictly 30 days from invoice date.

  • We reserve the right to add expenses incurred pursuing overdue accounts. If you require statements or copy invoices then these are available on request.

  • We reserve the right to not supply if the manner in which the goods are marketed are degenerative to the brand.

  • All merchandising or display items are the property of Ultra Glow Cosmetics Ltd and authorised use is only for the intended products.

  • Please note consent for use of images found on our web database are conditional on no variation in claims, descriptions or brand image.
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